Summary: | The study aims to know the infestationof the pine woolly aphid, to find
family and individual trees that relative resistant to the pine wooly aphid, to know
correlation between the pine woolly aphid infestation, growth, and the resin yield,
and the difference of the secondary metabolites, i.e. terpene atthe various
infestation. The study was conducted on the halfsib 2
generation progeny test of
Pinus merkusiiat the third subline, 9 years old, RPH Tanjungkerta, BKPH
Tampomas, KPH Sumedang. The progeny test use the incomplete block design
with row column design. The plants were planted in six replications (block), it
consists of 96 families, and four treeplot. Since 2004, the progeny test had been
infested by pine woolly aphid. The measured variables were the the attack level
by counting the number of the white woolly wax spots that covering bark of the
young twigs, diameter at the breast height (130 cm), and the average of resin yield
from the various attack level (5 times drilling, using drill bit 10 mm at 70 cm from
The study showed that the infestation of pine woolly aphid had reached
99,71%, with the attack level was light until medium. There are the difference of
the attack level among the families (p<0,05), while there are no significant
differences of diameter among families. The individual heritability value for the
infestation variable is 0.14, while the family heritability value is 0.25. The
infestation of pine woolly aphid give no significant impact on the diameter growth
of the tested families, also the to the susceptible families.The infestation of pine
woolly aphid didn�t affect yet to the resin yield. The relative contents of
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes compounds on the covering the
woolly massses 3% were higher than on a 23% suggested that the higher
secondary metabolites could yield the plants more resistant. Monoterpenes and
sesquiterpenes had contribute in the induced defense mechanism against the pine
woolly aphid attack, especially germacrene (p<0.05), while diterpenes more
contributed in the constitutive/static defense mechanism (p<0.05).