Summary: | The objectives of the study was to determine sheep performance fed with
fermented cacao pod husk complete feed. Fifteen Thin Tailed sheep aged at 1 to
1.5 years were used in this study with 3 feed treatments and water were offered
ad libitum. The first treatment (K) was a control, sheep fed with forages (fiber
source) + concentrate, NF was given a complete feed of cocoa pod husk (fiber
source) + concentrate without fermentation and F was given complete feed of
cocoa pod husk (fiber source) + fermented concentrate with ratio of fiber sources
and the concentrate was 40%: 60%. Data consisted of nutrient complete feed
quality, nutrient intakes, nutrient digestibility, average daily gain, feed conversion,
feed cost per gain and income over feed cost (IOFC). The results showed that
feed treatments have significant effects on nutrient intakes and digestibility
(P<0.05), while average daily gain, feed conversion, and feed cost per gain
though did not significantly affected by feed treatments, F results value wich
higher. Nutrients� intakes and digestibility of NF was significantly higher than K
however, there was no significant differences between NF and K . Dry matter
intake of sheep given F treatment was 87.72 g/kg BW
, organic matters intake
was 78.21 g/kg BW
, crude protein was 10.12 g/kg BW
, crude fiber 12.21
g/kg BW
, crude fat 1.77 g/kg BW
, and total digestible nutrients was 59.52
g/kg BW
. Dry matter digestibility of sheep given F treatment was 70,94%,
organic matters digestibility 66,33% and crude protein was 67,77%. Average
daily gain produced by complete feed fermented was 0.88 g/kg BW
or 128.67
g/day while feed conversion was 6.27 and FC/G was Rp.11.036. The calculation
of IOFC showed the same value, although there was a tendency that complete
feed fermented had highest profits, it was Rp.139.203 compared to K and NF. It
can be concluded that complete feed increased nutrient intakes and digestibility,
however average daily gain and feed conversion were similar. The use of cocoa
pod husk based feed which fermented by biofit®, could be an effective ways to
fatten sheep with the highest value of IOFC.