Summary: | Background: A study comparing fibrinolityc therapy and primary
percutaneouscoronary intervention (PCI) in patients with STEMI has been
reported in developed countries. Only few studies reporting the outcome of
pirmary PCI in developing countries where this intervention had just routinely
performed in the last 3 years.
Objective: To observed the cardiovascular mortality in patients with STEMI who
received fibrinolytic therapy compared with primary PCI during hospitalization.
Methodology and Methods: we performed retrospective cohort study using
medical record of STEMI patients with the onset <12 hours who received
fibrinolytic therapy and primary PCI at Dr. Sardjito Hospital at Yogyakarta
starting January 1st, 2008 until March 31st, 2010.
Clinical outcomes: Primar outcomes was cardiovascular mortality and secondary
outcomes were heart failure, post-infarction angina pectoris, and side effects of
Results: In 78 patients who received fibrinolityc therapy and 53 patients with
primary PCI we found that cardiovascular mortality was not significantly different
(6.4% vs 7.5%