Summary: | Hemophilia is a chronic illness that has a significant impact on quality of life
assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children with hemophilia
is particularly important. Quality of life is one parameter to assess the efficacy of
medical intervention.
hemophilia To determine health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children with
in order to explore the factors affecting on their quality of life.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sardjito General Hospital from January
to Desember 2009. Forty seven children were enrolled in this study with age
range from 5-18 years-old. The children were evaluated by PedsQL
Generic. The questionnaire was filled by direct interview with the child
here was T correlation between QOL (quality of life) with inadequate treatment
(p=0.03, 95% CI : 1,13-12,81) and age at diagnosis (p<0,05, 95% CI : 1,08-8,21).
Hemophilia affects the quality of life in every age group. Those were physical
functioning domain at age 8-12 years, social functioning at age 13-18 years,
emotional functioning at age 8-12 years and school functioning at age 5-7 years.
The factors that affect quality of life of children with hemophilia is the age at
diagnosis and inadequate treatment. Hemophilia affects the quality of life, each
one different from every age group.