Summary: | Halitosis or malodor is a symptom of a disease that does not realize that
can interfere with communication and appearance. Halitosis is closely related to
the use of denture. Denture material commonly used is acrylic resin, but besides
easy and good esthetics, these materials can be porous and easy to absorb oral
fluids will cause odor if not kept clean. Cleaning agents commonly used are
water, soap and denture cleansers. Oral Chroma is a device to measure the volatile
sulfur compounds (VSC) as the main cause of halitosis. VSC has major
components of a compound of hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl
The study was conducted on 27 patients using acrylic resin complete
denture which was divided into 3 groups. Group I was instructed to clean dentures
using only water, group II using soap and group III using denture cleanser
(polident). All of them were instructed to clean the dentures for 4 weeks. The
three groups were measured using the Oral Chroma before and after cleaning.
Data were analyzed with two-way Anova and continued with Least Significant
Difference test (LSD) at a 95% significance level.
The results showed, there was significant difference between denture cleansers
(p<0.05), there was a significant difference between VSC levels (p<0.05), there
was a significant difference between the interaction of the denture cleansers with
VSC levels (p<0.05). In conclusion, denture cleansers effective to reduce VSC
levels of acrylic resin complete denture wearers.