Summary: | Background: Hypertension is a non communicable disease with the highest
number of cases at District of Banyumas. The prevalence of hypertension at
District of Kebumen is 39.2%, highest at the Province of Jawa Tengah. Reuse of
cooking oil has become cultural part of the Indonesian community in relation to
the habit of consuming fried foods. Banyumas district community has the habit of
consuming fried foods.
Objective: To find out risk factor of hypertension in people that reused cooking
oil and assess the risk of reuse of cooking oil at District of Banyumas.
Method: The study was analytic observational with case control design through
matching of age and gender. Samples consisted of 308 people, 154 as cases (those
visiting health center and diagnosed hypertensive) and 154 as control.(those
visiting health center and not hypertensive).
Results: The result of bivariate analysis showed that re-use of cooking oil was
risk factor with score of OR=4.800 (CI 95%=2.958-7.789), and p=0.000, intake of
sodium OR=3.635 (CI 95%=2.271-5.819), and p=0.000, obesity OR=2.127 (CI
95%=1.342-3.373), and p=0.001, and physical activity OR=3.430 (CI
95%=2.148-5.478), and p=0.000. The result of multivariate analysis showed reuse
of cooking oil was the most dominant factor for the prevalence of hypertension at
District of Banyumas with score of OR=4.003 (CI 95%=2.100-9.102), and
Conclusion: Reuse of cooking oil will increase the risk of incident hypertension,
and is the most dominant risk factor for the incident of hypertension at District of