Summary: | Currently, Femtocell technology emerged for cellular
wireless networks, which has rapidly engrossed cellular industry.
The principle of femtocell to the mobile operators is to reduce
cost and improve signal quality in indoor coverage which is also
considered a possible path to the fixed–mobile convergence
(FMC) goal. Femtocell extends network coverage and delivers
high-quality mobile services inside residential and business
buildings through broadband network i.e. ADSL. Femtocell
access point (FAP) or home base station (HBS) intends to serve
small number of users i.e. 4 users and covers about 30 meter
square similar to existing WiFi access points. However, femtocell
introduces new challenges to the telecom industries in terms of
handoff between femto and macrocells, interference
management, localization and synchronization. Among all of
these challenges, synchronization is considered corner stone for
proper working for femtocell. The problematic issue in femtocell
synchronization is that all the data and control traffics travel
through IP broadband network. The IP broadband network is
usually owned and managed by third party and not by the mobile
operator, which is complicated the synchronization.
Unsynchronized FAPs may cause harm interferences and wrong
handover dictions. In this study we investigate and overview the
current femtocell synchronization techniques and compare
between them. Possible improvements and recommendation for
each method is identified. Proposed schemes and indicated future
research areas are also discussed.