Summary: | Synthesis of conjugated omega-6 compounds 8,10,12-octadecatrienoic
acid ITomcastor oil has been done. 8,10,12-octadecatrienoicacid was synthesized
through several steps of reaction, i.e. (I) isolation of methyl ricinoleate fi'om
castor oil by transesterification in the presence of potassium hydroxide, (2)
hydrolysis of methyl ricinoleate with potassium hydroxide, (3) oxidation to
double bond of ricinoleic acid using dilute potassium permanganate in alkaline
condition at 0-5°C, and (4) dehydration of hydroxyl group of trihydroxy stearic
acid using P20s at 140°C for 3.5 hours. Structural characterization was done by
meansofIR, IH-NMR,UV-Vis danGC-MSspectrometers.
Transesterificationof castor oil using KOH produced methyl ricinoleate
as main component in 77% yield. Hydrolysis of methyl ricinoleate produced
ricinoleic acid in total yield of 74%. Oxydation of ricinoleic acid produced
9,10,I2-trihydroxystearic acid (THSA) in total yield of 75% which were found as
two diastereoisomers Le., a dan p. a product was produced as white crystal with
melting point of 106°C, while p product was obtained as white powder with
melting point of 125°C. Dehydration reaction to 9,10,12-trihydroxy stearic acid
produced conjugated omega-6 compounds 8,I0,12-octadecatrienoic acid which
was produced as brownish liquid, in 81% yield. Carboxylic group of 9,10,12-
trihydroxystearic acid was not affectedby dehydrationreaction.