Summary: | State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) as a business entity, all or most of the capital owned by the state through direct investment that came from wealth separated. So the state capital from the state property that are separated and destined for the management and development of SOEs. Understanding separated state property is state property from the State Budget (APBN) to serve as the state capital participation or Perum to Persero. So the property was separated from the state property and become a capital investment in SOEs, the property became state-owned property as a condition of the corporation, there must be separate property. SOE is a legal entity. One feature that is a legal entity has its own property / separate, because it must have a state-owned property that is separate from state property.
The purpose of this research is: To know the debt-owned banks are state debts.To fmd out how the management of receivables owned banks as stipulated in Law No.
49/Prp/1960 of State Receivables Affairs Committee (PUPN) is still relevant
The method used is normative, namelyby analyzing the legislation in accordancewith
the writingof a thesis.
Conclusions obtained are State-Owned Enterprises in the form of s, although established by the government but this s not a public legal entity but the body of civil law, because the public entity can be established body of civil law that the work environment on duty in the field of civil and as stipulated in the Act Number 19 of 2003 on State-Owned Enterprises are also subject to all the principles and provisions of Law Number 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company. In the process of settlement of account sreceivable Owned Banks was time to follow the general judicial system by promoting the principles of justice set out in the general court and without intervention from the military so that the proceedings be open and able to guarantee an independent judiciary.