Summary: | Indonesia survived the global financial crisis in part due to its greater exports. In
general, the unit value of twenty major commodities exported from Indonesia
increasedduring 1996-2010.However, during times of crises, they decrease, In the
1997 crisis, the unit values fell dramaticallyand it took time to recover, while in
2008,they experiencedan immediaterebound.Likewise,the trend is also sharedwith
Japan and Vietnam. The unit values of commoditiesexported from both countries
increased.In addition,the unit values of Japan's exportsare higher than these values
of Indonesia and Vietnam. This gap appears to be constantly increasing over the
period of observationwithouta sign of convergence.This findingconfirmsthe factor
proportion(Heckscher-Ohlin)theoryand is consistentwith findingsby Schott(2001).