Summary: | This research tries to explore for a deep understanding about existence of
human trough mystical studies. Study mystic about this has more opportunities to
future of human being that scientific method. Because discourse science about human
has very limited to physical and biological phenomenon. Difference with the science,
mystic in understanding of human is not only limited to physical phenomenon.
Mystic has more given the stressing to the spiritual aspect. It has essence of deep
human. Two famous mystics figures that intensively has given interest in this case
were Jalal ad-Din Rumi a popular mystics in Islamic tradition and John of the Cross
a famous of Christian mystics Doctor and a literally Church. Both Rumi and John
attemted to position of human in the central of cosmic evolution which the free will
and free action have give by God.
The aim of the research is too collaborated and understands the human
position in the tradition Islamic and Church mysticism. This study can be classified as
a mystical study with a comparative study of religious thought, which chooses Rumi
and John as the subject. So the primary sources to be explored Rumi�s and John�s
especially those than connect to problem of research. In analyzing two the concept
that, this research has use mystical phenomenologist and perennial philosophical
approach, with assumption that mystic is direct experience was give a stressing to
intuition, zaug or qalb.
The result of research has given abstraction that human in the Rumi�s and
John�s mystical teaching hasn�t only importance position in the universe, but the
human also the aim creature of God. So the human have given mandatory by God as
the reprise of Him in the world (khalifah fil ard). This position has give possibility for
human to become manifestation the Name�s of God. The distinguishing between
Rumi and John understood of incarnation. The John point of view that incarnation
only one time, it was to Jesus it self. Meanwhile, according to Rumi that incarnation
is not only limited to one person, every one have opportunity to be came incarnation
of God suitable with them own spiritual capacity. Although that, Rumi and John have
representation tradition mystic western and eastern can be reach alternative in the
interfaith dialog in the look for a solution global conflict. Trough mystic became the
human full tolerance, merciful and love attitude, because the essence of the mystic is
love in the universal meaning.