Summary: | Background: Advances in science and technology in the field of nursing are very rapidly, should be counterbalanced by the availability of device rules or guidelines. One is the standard of nursing competency guidelines for the whole of indonesia as a nurse in the exercise of his profession's role. Indonesia National Nurses Association (PPNI) and the Ministry of Health, have set standards of competence of nurses the clinic the child as guidelines for nursing professionals who work directly in the service unit of nursing the child in hospital. Objective: Generate nurse competency assessment of child clinic in the General Hospital of Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Methods: Action Research. To more actively involve the subject of research as a partner in the process of drafting the model nurse competencies assessment clinic for children. Primary data obtained through in-depth interviews, observations and workshop. Result: The results of competence assessment of child care clinics, showed that the assessment model was formulated with the involvement of nursing and nurse management of children clinic, has been used as a reference / example in the implementation of child assessment clinic nurse at the child care room. Assessment done by the method of assessment centers, where the nurse competency model guidelines issued by the clinic children PPNI and the Ministry of Health which includes three domains of competence, as the observation of assessment tools, assessment done by the system of three assessors (line manager, peer and self) as well as the process of fead back the result to the individual nurses and nursing management. The results of assessment of competency describes the percentage of child care clinic that has been applied in practice nurse at the child care room (74%), has not been applied (26%). Feedback done by managers line and peers. The assessment process until the feedback is perceived as a new culture for the nurse clinician working while learning. Results appraisement to whose competence has not been implemented by the nurse be the quality of professional development programme nurse the child health clinics and planning the clinic career nurse children, and next to be precise information for management in the preparation of the hospital. Conclusion: Clinic nurse competency assessment includes objective assessment of competence of the child, using the method of assessment centers, assessment of the system 3 assessors (line manager, peer and self) and the feedback process, made reference to the implementation of competency assessment clinic nurse children in General Hospitals of Prof. DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang.