Summary: | Cooperatives as one of the business entity that is engaged in Indonesia's
economy is currently experiencing a dismal times caused due to lack of
competitiveness that is owned by a cooperative against other business entities as
well as a lack of interest in the community to join the cooperative especially urban
communities. While this is just growing quantity of cooperation without any
quality improvement. This research is intended to acknowledge the efforts made
and the obstacles facing Cooperatives in improving the welfare of the National
Defence Institute of RI as well as members of the strategy pursued in overcoming
these barriers.
This research was conducted at the National Defence Institute of RI
Cooperative by taking samples as much as 88 respondents as well as using the
method of data collection through the spread sheet questionnaire, that highlight
the collection and analysis of written texts and it was revealed in the
questionnaire. For complements and reinforces the information and data,
conducted interviews with the parties associated with the Cooperative National
Defence Institute of RI.
After the study, can be identified that National Defence Institute of RI
Cooperative has done some effort in improving the welfare of its members, i.e. the
granting of loans to members, the granting of funds administering SHU, stipend
for members or family members who died, granting lebaran presents and
awarding scholarships for children of members who are top achievers. However,
until this research done, National Defence Institute of RI Cooperative is still not
optimal in improving the welfare of members and in order to support the
economic resilience of the family. It is known from the existence of barriers faced
by National Defence Institute Cooperative, such as lack of capital, strategic
location of stores that are less, bad credit and still low participation member.
The study concluded that to improve the welfare of the members and
support family economic security need to be done a couple of cooperative
empowerment strategies, i.e. increase capital cooperative, improve services, and
to improve the participation of members. Through some of these strategies, the
welfare of members will increase, with a good level of prosperity will shape the
economic resilience of the family firm. Materialize economic resilience is a strong
and resilient family can face each threat, challenges, obstacles and distractions
that come both from within and from outside.