Summary: | This research is an exploration about domestic violence in Surakarta Regency, completed with the context of the cause of the domestic violence act in Surakarta, ideal
response of the state toward it and the malfunction or the failure of the state in handling and serving the victims of the domestic violence. The research also included report on the involvement of non-state institution in such action and the dynamics relation pattern between the state and the non-state institution in treatment and service act in Surakarta in 2001-2011.
The Research itself is an explorative qualitative research which clarify phenomenon facts of violence in Surakarta, which has been increasing significantly in years, the context of the domestic violence as the cause of the raising of domestic violence acts, states ideal response concerning to the treatment and service to the victims of the violence, and also the malfunction or the failure of state in that issue. At one side, the involvement of non-state institution is assumed as representation of encouragement from the society to solve
the disability of state in handling the treatment and service for the victims, but at the other side the non-state institution is still considered weak both its bargaining position and its capacity as the substitution of states function concerning the treatment service for the victims. The research also completed with the exploration of the dynamics of the relational
pattern between states institution (Social Department, DKRPPKB, and Bapermas) and non-state institution (SpekHam) in 2001-2011. The collecting data technique in this research is in-depth interview, which are the interaction with the respondent as official employee in
Bapermas and counted as the representation of state manifestation, and actor in SpekHam as the manifestation of non-state institution. Observation is also done concerning to explore the type of cooperation pattern between state and non-state institution. Beside the interview and observation as the primary, the research also utilizes documentation as secondary data in both
institutions (state and non-state institution), and other documents is also used as the complementary such as cases recording, handbooks, article in mass media and online.
The purpose of the research is to have information about the dynamics of relational typology which is intertwined between state and non-state institution, and it is
classified based on its type. Those types are: accommodation type ,substitution type, and at
last achieve complementary type is the most effective relation type in handling the treatment
and service issue.