Summary: | The present research is based on the question about as what leadership
style and work climate can motivate the hospital employee. This research aims to
describe the leadership style that is expected in RSJD Surakarta able to increase
motivation of the employee and know the relationship between the leadership
style, work climate with motivation of the employee.
This research was descriptive analytic study. Data collection was
performed using cross sectional design, that is a study to determine the correlation
dynamics between the risk factors with effects, by means of observation
approaches. Population in this research is the officer staffs of RSJD Surakarta as
much as some 58 peoples. Population used as a sampling because the subject is
under 100.
The results showed that (1) the leadership style selected and expected by
employees in RSJD Surakarta is the participative leadership style as the ultimate
choice. (2) the research found a positive and significant influence jointly between
leadership style and work climate on the motivation of employee. It is shown from
calculated F value and significance count of 13,262 is 0,000. Probability (p value)
is much smaller than 0.05, or 0.000 <0.05. (3) Based on the value of t test on the
leadership style variable with α (0,05) obtained t significance value of 0.000,
where the value is smaller than 0.05 (sig t <0.05) so that can be said that the
leadership style proved have significantly influence to motivation of the employee
(4) Based on the t test value the work climate variables with α (0,05) obtained t
significance value of 0.765 where the value is greater than 0.05 (s ign t> 0.05) so
that it can be said that the work climate does not significantly influence to
motivation of the employee.
Conclusions of this study is that the expected leadership style is
articipatory, in which leadership style proved a significant influence on employee
motivation, and work climate does not significantly influence employee