Summary: | This study is aimed to conduct an analysis to determine the minimum,
maximum, and safety buffer stock of coal for PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, Unit
Pembangkitan Paiton. The analysis was established to anticipate the round trip
days (RTD) difference between one supplier to another, with different mileage by
different coal source location, while the stock should always be available.
Moreover, in determining the supply of specified minimum and maximum limits
to be there every month, as well as the unique properties of the coal stock yard in
which is just hold on for 30 days before going on its self combustion. Thus, the
determination of the amount of buffer stock required minimum, maximum, and
safe, and safety buffer stock mechanism fulfillment.
Through the analysis of the daily requirement of coal and the RTD can be
completed the minimum, maximum, and safety buffer stock calculations, and the
appropriate mechanism of coal stock fulfillment.
The results showed that the minimum buffer stock that must be fulfilled for
the continuity of the operation unit is equal to 83.875,43 tons/month, and
41.937,72 tonnes in the month overhaul. Meanwhile, the maximum buffer stock is
equal to 167.751 tons/per month, while the total of 83.875,5 tons of time to
overhaul the 30-day operation today. Furthermore, the buffer stock is safe for at
125.813,145 tons/per month, whereas at the time of overhaul as much as
62.906,57 tonnes with 30-day period of operating days.