Summary: | Loyal Customers are the expectation off business, whether it be online or physical
business. The number of business transactions on the internet at this time led to examine
customer loyalty through the internet. This study is devoted to business transaction that
occur in because it is one of sites with a large number of users. Loyalty is
influenced of customer satisfaction for products and level of responsiveness, customer
trust for assurance and pragmatism, also customer experience for pleasure and hassle
reduction. Therefore, this study is to examine how much those variabel influenced to
customer loyalty through
This reseasch using Multiple Regression methods. The result are all variables
simultaneously have on influence on customer loyalty but partially, the only variable
wich are have influenced to customer Loyalty are customer satisfaction for product
dimention, customer trust for pragmatism dimention, also customer experience for
pleasure and hassle reduction dimention. Those variabels have positive influence to
customer loyalty. Base on adjusted R2, the variabels are able to explain customer loyalty
by 57,4% while the rest is explained by others variabels.