Summary: | The process of turnaround or reorganization of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) which
lasted from 2007 until today have implications for the survival of one of its business
unit, SBU Pos Admail. Internal and external factors that affect the corporate business
plan led to the formation of PT Admailpos, a subsidiary Pos Indonesia came from
SBU Pos Admail cannot be realized. At the stage of corporate reorganization in 2012,
SBU Pos Admail is no longer as a business unit of the company, not even developed
into a subsidiary, but it will become an area organization that has a limited within the
authority and daily operations management.
This study aims to gain an overview and understanding of the condition of the SBU
Pos Admail performance in the period 20XX-20XX. Performace evaluation seen in
the financial perspective by comparing business unit target in RKAP with the
realization report of the business unit, which is supported by the calculation of return
on investment (ROI) business unit as a profit center. The next stage of the analysis is
to identify the level of fit between the business unit and the corporate through a
method that uses Corporate Parenting Framework concept (Campbell, Goold,
Alexander, 1995). Assessment conducted within the framework of this parenting is at
the fit level between the parent's company's skill and business needs. If both of these
elements show a high level of compliance, it will create an uneven advantage, but if it show the low level of compliance would damage the value of the business. In this
study, the framework is used as the basis for answering the closing of Pos Admail
business unit cases.