Summary: | In the last quarter 2010, Pharmaceutical Industries in Indonesia were very
surprissed by the launching of new regulation from ministry of health, which is
PERMENKES 1010/ MENKES/PER/ XI/2008 about �Medicinal Registration�. One
of article in that decree stated �Imported drug product is prioritized for public health
program, new innovation drug product, and required drug product which cannot be
produced in the country� (Article 9).
The said article regulates and gives limitation in importation of drug product. In
parallel this articles encourages the pharmaceutical industry to produce drug product
by themselves in their facilities which is already established in Indonesia. In other
word, this article is explicitly supports the pharmaceutical industry in utilization of
their sites, and indirectly will help the country to utilize internal resources.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the current strategy of PT Sandoz
Indonesia in their effort to compete in pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia by
increasing production volume and sales volume, by considering that the government
through the new decree above will give support from regulatory process.
The evaluation of strategy was conducted by studying both internal and
external factors of PT Sandoz Indonesia. Evaluation was carried out by distributing
questionnaires to group of management. Data was analyzed using SWOT matrix.
The results showed that the said company is in Quadrant III, thus �turn-around
strategy�, this indicates that the company has an opportunity to gain bigger market
share, but on the other hand they have a weaknesses in internal company.
According to this condition, the said company is suggested to increase sales
volume that automatically will increase production volume to utilize the high of
market growth of this industry by increasing sales through institution and
government tender, launching of new product at first-time, and decreasing the cost of