Summary: | This study aims to evaluate the performance of the strategy that has been pursued by
PT SMART Tbk by linking the internal and external condition of the company. In
addition, strategic recommendations are also given to improve the competitiveness of
enterprises.The scope of the research is qualitative case study on PT SMART Tbk.
The data used in this study derived from primary and secondary data. Primary data
obtained through interviews, documentation and observation. While secondary data
compiled from company financial statements, internal data related to research, World
Growth-Palm Oil Green Development Campaign (2011) reports, Indonesian Capital
Market Directory (2011), and Agribusiness Development Prospects and Direction of
Indonesian Palm Oil Volume 2 (2009) reports. There are two types of analysis used
in this study, namely internal and external analysis. Internal analysis related to the
analysis of marketing and distribution, production process analysis, organizational
analysis and corporate governance standards, analysis of human resource
development, and analysis of company financial performance. While external
analyzes using several tools, such as the dominant economic factor analysis, analysis
of Porter's five forces of competition, Driving Forces analysis, Analysis of Key
Success Factor (KSF), and Strategic Group Maps analysis. The results showed that
the integration of business strategy firm run by focusing on resource development and
technology development is appropriate and effective. However, the company will be
able to increase its competitiveness if it is supported by additional strategies include
increased infrastructure support, community empowerment on the plantation
increased plasma, and increase in investment product development-oriented
derivative of alternative energy.