Resumo: | The Law No 26 of Year 2007 about Spatial Planning states that the proportion of
urban open green space (RTH) is at least about 30 percent of the city length. It becomes
interesting because every city has limitation of this provision, one of the city is
Banjarbaru City in South Kalimantan. By the end of 2011, the availability of open green
space in Banjarbaru is about 612.10 hectares or only 1.65 percent of the length of the
city. In addition, the open green space is also important as the anticipation of the high
demand of the land reform and as an attempt to maintain the environmental balance of
the city�s environment, due to 12.998,3 hectares or 30 percent of Banjarbaru City area
has been turned into settlements.
The aims of this research are to discuss the process of open green space policy
implementation and its influencing factors involving government organizations as the
implementers and housing developer as the objects of the policy. The design of the
research is descriptive qualitative, and the techniques of collecting the data are
observation, interview and documents analysis related to the study. The informants of
this study are the Department of Housing, Spatial Planning and Building Control and
the other relevant technical agencies which are involved in the process of the
implementation of RTH policy, including the developers as the recipient of the policy.
The techniques of analyzing the data in this study are data reduction, data presentation,
and the data verification in order to make the conclusion.
The theoretical of logic underlying this study is that the process of the policy
implementation of open green space of resident area in the Banjarbaru is influenced by
the attitude of the developer as the policy recipient and its reasons. In addition, as the
implementer of the policy, the government of the city has roles, means, and also factors
that influence the process of the policy implementation.
The results of this study indicate that there are various disobedience acts done by
the developer towards the open green space policy, such as that the developers do not
provide the area for the open green space, the discrepancies of the open green space, the
changing of the open green space use, and the unavailability of the open green space.
Some of the reasons are the factors of disobeying the law selectively, economics, and
personal or organizational interests. While the other factors influencing the policy
implementation consists of bureaucratic structure, resources, communication, and
By the existences of the weaknesses of the policy implementation, the city
government is expected to implement the policy in line with what the content of the
policy is defined to eliminate the tendency to the developers. In addition, there should
be an intensive communication to provide an understanding and awareness to both of
the public and developers about the importance and the benefits of open green space, so
they can receive and obey the policy in a participatory manner and do not consider the
policy as a burden.