Summary: | Poverty was a multidimensional problem that was influenced by many
interrelated factors, such as income, unemployment, health, education, access to
basic services and infrastructure, gender, and geographical location. Various
government programs related to poverty reduction have been carried out, but
during the period 2004 - 2010 the poverty level in DIY Province was still
relatively high compared with the national poverty level. In addition, the level of
poverty among regencies/municipalities still showed a significantly high.
Kulonprogo and Gunungkidul Regencies included in the category of high poverty
levels, Bantul included in the category of moderate poverty, while the
Municipality of Yogyakarta and Sleman Regency included in the category of low
poverty levels.
ed The research aim to analyze the factors that influence poverty level of
regencies/municipalities in DIY Province in 2004 � 2010. Variables used poverty
level as dependent variable and Human Development Index (HDI), GRDP per
capita, public spending, and access to clean water as independent variables. It
used panel data with regencies/municipality as cross section units and time series
data from 2004 to 2010. Analytical tools were panel data regression by choosing
the best of three models: common effect model, fixed effect model and random
effect model.
This result indicated that variables of Human Development Index (HDI),
public spending and access to clean water have significantly negative effect on
poverty level. It means that increase in this variables would decrease poverty level
in DIY Province. However variable of GRDP per capita was not significant effect
on poverty level. It means that economic growth alone was not enough to reduce
poverty level of regencies/municipalities in DIY Province for studied period.