Summary: | Bukit Bulan Sarolangun Regency is a hilly area that consists of five villages
(Napal Melintang, Meribung, Mersip, Berkun and Lubuk Bedorong) and is
surrounded by forest. Even though Bukit Bulan has great potential of forest, it has
still faced problems in forest management. Low level of transparency and
accountability, limited involvement of community, NGO and private sectors, as
well as lack of law enforcement in forest management lead to a low level of trust
of the community to the government, so that the community has participated in
forest management in low level. Other problem in Bukit Bulan is its community
welfare. The high number of poor households, women with economic
vulnerability, and improper housing are some problems.
In 2006 FLEGT project was established in that area using co-management
approach The project was focused on coaching and empowerment of the
communities at the village level in forest management regarding the principles of
good governance. It has not been clear whether the FLEGT project has improve
the local forest management and socio-economic condition in Bukit Bulan.
The aims of the research is to find out if the implementation of the FLEGT project
has improved the management of the Bukit Bulan indigenous forest and the social
economic conditions
The assessment of the project implementation used the framework of comanagement
principles namely building trust (Gindl and Wukovitsch, 2003),
sharing of power and responsibility (Pomeroy and Williams, 1994) and equity and
togetherness (Feyerabend et al, 2000), and socio-economic impact was assessed
using the framework given by Gilfin (1995) and Edwards (2005).
The type of research was descriptive and the research strategy used was survey.
The data were collected through fieldwork and analyzed using the framework
This research found that the FLEGT project conveyed a positive result as the
project improved local forest management. Three of indicators namely trust
building, sharing power and responsibility, and equity and togetherness were used
to show that there was improvement. Generally, impact of the project carried
positive benefits on socio-economic condition of the community. It is indicated by
five out of seven indicators namely income, education, institutional relation, social
class gap and conflict, and strengthening local wisdom. Two other indicators were
not significantly influenced.
The final conclusion of this research supports the hypothesis that the
implementation of FLEGT project has improved the local forest management and
the socio-economic of the community in Bukit Bulan Sarolangun Regency.