Summary: | Adiwiyata program aim at creating favorable conditions for the school as a place of
learning and awareness so that students can be responsible in the environment rescue efforts.
Management of the school through an adiwiyata program requires students awareness and
responsibility adiwiyata built from perceptions and concerns of students, that's what this
study aims to examine students perceptions of the management of the school environment
through Adiwiyata program, analyze the factors that affect students perceptions, assess the
level of awareness of students to the management of the school environment through
Adiwiyata program.
The method used in this research is a survey method. In proportional random sampling
obtained a sample 94 SMP students. The location of the school was determined porpusively
that is the schools located in urban area (SMPN 2 Kendari) and in the sub urban area (SMPN
17 Kendari) using the allocation proportions, the sample for which the school is located in
the urban area (SMPN 2 Kendari) consist of 58 people, and the sample schools located in the
sub urban area (SMPN 17 Kendari) consist 36 people. A questionnaire was used as an
instrument to measure the level of knowledge, socio-economic situation of students, level of
perception and level of concern. This study used descriptive analysis and correlation tests
between the variables.
The results of this research indicate students perceptions of the management of the
environment school through Adiwiyata program at the SMPN 2 Kendari majority were
categorized medium, that means most of students do not understand, assess, and enterpret
well the Adiwiyata program in the environment management of the school, while in SMPN
17 Kendari perceptions of students categorized high, means most students understand,
evaluate and appreciate positive adiwiyata program at school. The analysis shows the level of
knowledge and perception of socio-economic students significantly influence students
perceptions. It is obtained from the correlation test between the perception of knowledge to
students, in SMPN 2 Kendari (r = 0,321, Phit = 0.014