Summary: | The research was conducted in Sleman Regency directly adjacent to the city of
Yogyakarta. The aims of this research is to examine (1) determinant of agricultural land
conversion, (2) factors that influence the attitudes of farmers to maintain agricultural land
in areas of agricultural land conversion, (3) the total economic value of agricultural
activities in the area of agricultural land conversion, (4) Impact of conversion of
agricultural land for food production in the area of agricultural land conversion.
The research was conducted in the three areas of study zones based on the intensity
of agricultural land conversion. Zoning of agricultural land conversion through overlay
Landsat TM in 1992, Landsat ETM + in 2000, and Citra Alos 2009. For comparison used
land use data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the National Land Agency. Spatial
and ecological approach used in this study through quantitative descriptive method.
Primary and secondary data used in this study. The primary data collected through
structured interviews and in depth interview. Secondary data used time series data are
population, social and economic facilities, agricultural production, land use, and the
physical condition of the area. Respondents in the study were farmers who have converted
agricultural land but still works in agricultural sector. The determination of the
respondent's purposive sampling methods done. The number of respondents in this
research 393 respondents from a total population of 24,954. The analysis in this study is
done using statistical regression analysis (Ordinary Least Square), Binary Logistic
Regression, and Regression Seemingly unrelated (SUR).
The results of this study are: (1) internal factors at farm level that most dominant
influence on the conversion of agricultural land in the city frame zone is non-farm income
and land prices, the city village frame zone and village city frame zone is the most
dominant factor influential non-farm income and farm income. External factors at the
regional level in the three zones showed that population, government regulations, and GDP
significantly affect the conversion of agricultural land. (2) The attitude of farmers to
maintain agricultural land the lower in city frame zone and the highest in the village city
frame zone. (3) The total economic value of rice farming activities in the city frame zone is
lower, while the highest in the village city frame zone. Contrary to the value of the
environmental based on the expense incurred farmers to keep the environmental damage,
in city frame zone highest and the lowest in village city frame zone. (4) The impact of
conversion of agricultural land for food production in paddy, maize, beans, and soy in
three zones studies is positively influenced by the agriculture land area and technology,
while the agricultural land conversion factor affected negatively.