Ամփոփում: | One of the governmentâ��s effort to control the drug prices by issued a policy to
listed the retail price on the drug�s label. The objective of this research was to
know the implementation of that rules in the city of Yogyakarta.
This research was a quantitative research with descriptive survey method. The
sample of this research was 133 drug that be included in the mandatory drug
pharmacy list and it was chosen by random sampling technique, and there was
100 drug consumer that selected by accidental sampling technique. To collect the
data, researcher used questioner and structured interview. The data analyzed by
univariate data analysis (descriptive analysis).
Based on the data from the study proven that the implementation of Health
Minister�s decision number 69 year 2006 about the retail price listed on the drug�s
label in the city of Yogyakarta wasn�t optimal. There were 2,25% drug haven�t
specified the batch number, 13,53% drug haven�t specified the manufactured date,
15,03% haven�t specified posology, 6,76% haven�t specified indication, 13,53%
haven�t specified contra indication, 10,53% haven�t specified side effect, 1,5%
haven�t specified expired date, dan 13,53% haven�t specified the warning-caution.
In the inclusion of HET there was 10,53% without a large size, 24,81% without
obvious colour ink, 3,75% wasn�t listed on the outer package, 9,12% wasn�t listed
until the smallest package, and 30,83% inclusion of HET was not easy to read.
There was 49 drug that sold over the retail prices or there was 36,85%. From the
interview there was 43 people who know HET, 62 people ever complaint about
the drug prices, 51 people ever bought drug over the retail price, 85 people said
that the drug prices was so expensive, 97 people felt that a specific regulation
about the drug prices must be made by the government, and 42 people agreed that
the government�s role was good to handle the drug prices.