Summary: | Prestressed concrete bridge structure under construction phase using the
balanced cantilever method is widely used in construction of bridge structure.
The method is suitable method for the erection of long span segmental bridges.
Balanced cantilever method is developed to minimize the need of scaffolding as
the implementation of in-situ casting. However, it is required to consider the
stress and deformation which may occur. This might happen because of the
difference of concrete strength at each concrete segment connected to the last segment of the bridge. Realistic approach can be performed numerically by nonlinear finite element analysis using ATENA software. The objective of this study is to determine and compare the stress and deformation which occur in prestressed concrete bridge constructed under the balanced cantilever method based on the non-linear and linear analysis.
This study reviewed the bridge of Tol Semarang - Solo (Span A1 - P1 - A2,
Banyumanik I). This bridge was half-spans numerically modelled by using
assumption of fixed pier placement (boundary condition). The numerical models
of bridge box girder were analyzed using the ATENA software. The results of
this study were then compared to the results of linear analysis of SAP 2000
software by Primajaya (2010). Further research on the maximum load and
deflection of the cantilever box girder bridge structure was done until the
The results showed the comparison between non-linear and linear analysis
by the ATENA software and SAP 2000 software. The result showed the same
maximum stresses occurred on the segment I of the bridge structure for both
analyses. The differences of the stress on both results of analyses of the review on the top fiber for condition 1/3 span, 2/3 span and full span were 0,736 MPa, 2,353 MPa, 0,009 MPa, respectively. On the bottom fiber the differences were 0,284 MPa, 0,878 MPa, 2,518 MPa. Maximum load that can be held bridge structures during the balanced cantilever construction was 360 KN at the free end of the balanced cantilever with deflection of 180 mm by the time of the collapse.