Summary: | Merapi Volcano environment is the unity of the space where the
components of living creature such as plants, animal and humans, as its main
component, interact each other, and Merapi Volcano is the center of it. Merapi
Volcano eruption in 2010 caused a great impact in the form of livelihood assets
loss such as residential communities, farms, forests, plantations, agricultural land
and the presence of human casualties. To see the relationship between the
disaster effects of land and livelihood asset of the above problems, the researcher
formulated three research questions: (1) how are the characteristics of
pyroclastic deposit based on the nature and distribution of sediment, (2) how are
the access and control of public lands to livelihood assets before and after the
Merapi Volcano eruption in 2010, and (3) how is the reconstruction of the
damage and loss of livelihood assets due to Merapi Volcano eruption in 2010.
This study conducted in the Cangkringan Sub-district, Sleman Regency in
Yogyakarta, aim to (1) assess the characteristics of the hot cloud based on the
nature and distribution of pyroclastic deposits, (2) assess of the access and
control of public land to livelihood assets, and (3) reconstruct the access and
control of land to livelihood assets. This research combined participatory
quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection methodology was conducted
through survey and field observations by purposive sampling in 84 observation
location of the objects that were directly affected by the Merapi Volcano eruption
in 2010of and in-depth interviews sample selection with purposive sampling with
a sample population of 53 families who were directly affected by Merapi Volcano
eruption in 2010. Data analysis was conducted in qualitative descriptive data
gathering based on qualitative and quantitative data.
Based on the nature and distribution of pyroclastic deposits, Merapi
Volcano hazards of hot clouds are divided into 3 kinds: (1) hot cloud of
pyroclastic flows, (2) hot cloud pyroclastic air fall, and (3) hot cloud pyroclastic
surge. The access and control of land to livelihood assets is the public access of
the right to land ownership and the right to land management, so that the land
becomes the important source for the community to fulfill the needs of life,
economic, social, shelter and adaptation to overcome the hazards of Merapi
Volcano eruption, especially at Merapi Volcano disaster prone areas. According
to the results of the reconstruction in Cangkringan Sub-district, the disaster
impact was affected by the existence of livelihood assets in the Merapi Volcano
disaster prone areas. The researcher divided the two main livelihood zones of the
conducted reconstruction (1) farms livelihood zone covers the central and
northern zones of Cangkringan Sub-district and, (2) agriculture livelihood zone
covers the southern zone of Cangkringan Sub-district.