Summary: | Population growth and economic development experienced by Semarang
City, has drivenland conversion, coastal area reclamation, and infrastructure
development, which in some case, because of its function, extended into the near
shore area. Those activities mentioned, indicated to playing significant role in
driving shoreline changes.
Objectives of this research are, first is to investigate and identify driving
factors in shoreline changes phenomena, especially in period of 1937-2011,
second is to find out vulnerability index caused by shoreline changes, and third is
to formulate a coping concept against shoreline changes, with aim to maintain
existing land use, and based on vulnerability index.
Spatial dataset analysis, and variables data comparison between 1937�s
data and 2011�s data is conducted, and also to strengthen the analysis, shoreline
data from the year of 1972, 1990, 2000, and 2008, is also used. Vulnerability
index for each district based on scoring and weighing of each variables.
Formulation of shorelines changes coping concept would be found by matching
between each variables and known measures.
Results of this research has shown that significant factors in driving
shoreline changes in Semarang City are, sorted according to role hierarchy: 1)
distraction of long shore sediment transport