Summary: | Dynamic load is periodical or repeated vibration within time (t) variation in a frequency. In dynamic loading, the shear modulus and damping ratio are important parameters that describe the soil behaviors in cyclic condition. In relation to structural response analysis, the cohesive soil and cohesion-less soil have different behaviors. Sand is a cohesion-less soil with high shear strength. Therefore, it can be used as damping layer, load receiver and load grader. The objective of this study is to identify the influence of cyclic load to the sand shear modulus and damping ratio.
Samples in this study were taken from the base foundation of Prambanan temple. Test of triaxial cyclic, as reflected in the soil dynamic parameters (the shear modulus and damping ratio), was then taken. The samples varied based on the relative density (Dr). The triaxial cyclic tests consisted of the UU (unconsolidated untrained) with the test types included the cyclic modulus and damping test as in comply with ASTM D3999-91 Reapproved 2003.
Results indicated that Prambanan soil was classified into silt sand (SM) - or in AASHTO classification - it is categorized as A-2-4 soil type with γd maximum of 18.25 kN/m3 that indicated good gradation level. Results of this study showed that elasticity modulus decreased as the axial strain increased, whilst the damping ratio would increase