Summary: | Background: Water is essential for all living beings including human.
Supply of water should fulfill criteria of quantity and quality, which means
that water should be clean and be available in adequate amount, and able
to meet health requirements in term of its physical, chemical,
bacteriological, and radioactive properties in order to prevent its consumer
from having health problems.
Objectives: Tonstudy the water quality of dug wells in Bagan Pete
Method : This research was observational with cross sectional design.
Data collection was conducted by checklist, observation, and sampling of
water. Data obtained from the survey and results of laboratory examination
were analysed in univariate and bivariate manner using Chi-Square and
logistic regression methods, respectively.
Results: The result of the research showed that, significant correlations
were found between distance of septictank with wells (p value = 0.000),
wells construction (p value=0.001) with Escherichia coli. Distance of
septictank (p value = 1.000), wells construction (p value = 0.225) showed
no correlation with ferrum content. Descriptively, it was found that distance
of septictank with wells was poor (50.9%), wells construction was also
poor in 56.6% subjects, while multivariate analysis obtained distance of
septictank as the most influential variable for the existence of Escherichia
Conclusion: Correlation was found between distance of septictank with
well and wells construction with Escherichia coli and no correlation was
found between distance of septictank with well and well construction with
ferrum content in dug well water in this area.
Suggestion: Promotion by Health Office about clean water facilities and
maintenance of clean water facilities to prevent contamination of clean
water source, and improvement in water quality.