Summary: | Physical properties and stability of topical preparations will affect the
effectiveness of a semisolid dosage form when applied on the skin. The stability
of an emulsion is mainly influenced by the variety and amount of the use of
emulsifier. To find a cream formula with good physical properties and stability, it
is important to optimize the mixture proportion of emulsifier consists of cetyl
alcohol, stearic acid and trietanolamine. These emulsifier will be used in the
cream formula of sunscreen and antioxidant of Nyamplung oil.
In this research, design of the cream formula based on Simplex Lattice
Design approach methode, using software program of Design Expert 7 with 3
factors. Independent variabels were stearic acid, cetyl alcohol and
triethanolamine. The viscosity, the power spread and viscosity changes were the
dependent variables. Seven cream formulas were prepared having amount
variation of stearic acid, cetyl alcohol and triethanolamine. Based on Simplex
Lattice Design Metod, equation and contour plot were obtained, by which the
optimum formula was determined.
The optimum formula resulted by the sofware Design Expert 7 was a
formula containing 4.12% of stearic acid, 2.88% of cetyl alcohol and 2.0% of
triethanolamine. In addition, the softwere also resulted the optimum formula
which had values 149.12 d.Pas, 6.42 cm and 19.82%, respectively for viscosity,
dispersive energy and viscosity change.