Summary: | Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the most common opportunistic infection
that found among HIV-AIDS patients. Candida albicans had been shifted by C.
non albicans as a major cause of oropharyngeal candidiasis in HIV-AIDS
patients. Nystatin is the first line therapy in Indonesia to oropharyngeal
candidiasis in HIV-AIDS patients. The use of nystatin and fluconazole as
treatments for oropharyngeal candidiasis among HIV-AIDS patients are equal in
daily practice. Some researches have already showed increasing resistance of
Candida sp to fluconazole. There is no studies about resistance comparison of
C.albicans, C. non-albicans and Candida sp to fluconazole and nystatin in
Indonesia. This study was performed to determine resistance of C.albicans, C.
non-albicans and Candida sp to fluconazole and nystatin in oropharyngeal rinse
with HIV.
This is a cross sectional study. The sample was taken from oropharyngeal
rinse of HIV/AIDS patients using 0.9% NaCl solution for 60 seconds. Culture is
used an agar CHROM while resistance test used disc diffusion method. The
analysis statistic used a chi-square test with significance values p< 0,05.
As many as 76 oropharyngeal rinse sample from HIV patients, the growing
of Candida sp were 50 (65,8%). The number of species in a culture as a single
species was 58%. From 50 sample with the growth of Candida sp, we identified
76 isolates. The number of single species and multiple species are 58% and 42%.
Candida sp were grown consisted of 34 (44.74%) C. albicans and 42 (55.26%) C.
non albicans. Candida glabrata (22.37%) is the most C.non albicans which were
found. Resistance of C. albicans and C.non albicans to fluconazole were 41.18%
and 57.14%, while resistance to nystatin were 2.95% and 7.14%. There are no
significant differences between resistance of C.albicans and C.non albicans to
nystatin (p = 0,0391). There are significant differences between resistance
C.albicans, C.non albicans and Candida sp to fluconazole and nystatin (p =
There are no significant differences between resistance of C.albicans and
C.non albicans to nystatin. Resistance of C. albicans, C. non-albicans and
Candida sp to flukonazol are higher than nystatin from oropharyngeal rinse taken
from HIV-AIDS patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta.