Summary: | Kauman Village, Jogjakarta, is located in the west of Jogjakarta�s Agung
Mosque. The old settlement, formed at the same time Agung Mosque was build,
was intended for the qaums or high ranking religion court servants of Jogjakarta
Sultanate. Kauman Village and its spatial element is an embodiment of Javanese
and Islamic Culture as it has a specific shape and configuration with the presence
of butulan and jepitan which connect house to house. Nowadays, butulan and
jepitan are rarely seen along with the development of spatial and socio-culture of
the community.
This research used grounded theory method, which is a qualitative
research method which develops theories inductively from a series of empirical
field data. Data analysis used a procedure called data coding and
conceptualization to reveal the physical arrangement, purpose, and function of
butulan � jepitan in Kauman Village.
Butulan from the word mbutul means �through� is a passage door, which is
a door that connects from house to house. There are two ways of connection in
butulan: (1) Direct Butulan, through a direct opening to neighboring building