Summary: | Spatial conflict between elephants and humans is a phenomenon that often
occurs in some areas there are elephant habitat, not least in North Bengkulu. The
conflict is due to the increased use of land for residential, agriculture, plantation
and mining purposes. As a result, the forest area was originally an elephant habitat
is converted, so the elephant into narrow ranges. This has resulted in a conflict
between elephants and humans that harm both parties.
This research is a qualitative study using interviews,Delphi method and
Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Interviews were conducted to explore issues
related to spatial conflict between elephants and humans. Delphi method was used
to solicit the opinions of the experts on the model of the spatial resolution of
conflicts between elephants and humans. Furthermore, FGD was used to solicit
opinions from the user models that have been formulated by the experts.
This study resulted in three spatial models of conflict resolution between
elephants and humans that occurred in North Bengkulu by the experts. There are
(a) stakeholder perception models, (b) the model increased the status and elephant
habitat expansion