Summary: | Saguling reservoir with catchment area ± 5382 ha and 982 million m
of water
volume at maximum surface elevation + 643 m serves as a water reservoir and a source
of energy to drive turbines with a total capacity of 700 MW and can be scaled up to 1400
MW of electricity to supply the needs of Java-Bali Island. Besides that, Saguling also
serves as a tourist, freshwater fish farming and agriculture. From year to year Saguling
reservoir sedimentation has increased sedimentation rate exceeds the threshold of 4.0
million m
/yr plans that affect the capacity of the reservoir. If the sedimentation could
not be controlled, would interfere with the operation of reservoirs and will shorten the life
of the reservoir because subject will be filled with sediment. Therefore it is necessary to
study how much longer useful life of Saguling reservoir
The research was conducted by calculating the rate of erosion in the catchment
area with USLE method. Then calculate the value of SDR by comparing the volume of
sediment yield from land erotion with sediment yield from echosounding, assess
sediment compaction by grain analysis. Furthermore, the remaining service life of the
reservoir will be calculated by dead storage method.
From calculations showed that the rate of surface erotion by land-use map 1994
was 6.74 mm / yr with a value of SDR 0.284, while based on the land use map in 2009
amounted to 6.96 mm / yr with a value of SDR 0.296. With dead storage method is
known that the reservoirs Saguling service life is 33 years away, starting from the year
2009. If land conservation efforts with a success rate 75%, then the reservoir service life
can be extended for 11 years, so that the reservoir can still operate for 44 years starting in