Summary: | To provide a comprehensive social security, Indonesia to develop and
establish Undang-Undang nomor 40 tahun 2004 about SJSN who hold health
insurance which aims to ensure that participants receive health care benefits and
protection to meet the basic health needs. In this case, health insurance financed
through revenue contributions and dues. This assumes health insurance
contribution rate determined by the amount of 5% of salary and then calculate the
amount of dues to be paid by the Government. Analysis tools are needed to
organize the financing of health insurance and benefits available is a method of
calculation. Calculation Method on the healthcare system has four main modules,
including: demographic and economic module, Module revenue, expenditure and
Module Module outcomes, then produced 12 major mathematical equations on the
healthcare system (Cichon, 1999). The authors projected population as the initial
data before the Government Contribution Calculation Method on Health Insurance
in Indonesia.