Summary: | Biogas is a renewable alternative fuels instead of fossil fuels such as petroleum and
natural gas. The process of biogas production through three stages, namely hydrolysis,
asidogenesis, and methanogenesis. The palm liquid waste is a waste from palm oil industrial
manufacturing results which still contain high enough organic material that can be used to
produce biogas. High enough organic waste will be able to contaminate the environment if
disposed directly without going through treatment. During this time, the processing is done is
by creating a pool that requires enough land becasue palm oil liquid waste has a long
incubating time due to high content of organic material and also the content of oil as an
inhibitor. Need a solution to modify waste treatment by using large pond to the anaerobic
reactor with moderate size. So it is necessary to minimize the inhibitory effect caused by the
Triglyceride oil is a mixture of compounds consisting of glycerol and long chain fatty
acids or Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA). In very small amounts, oil has been reported to
stimulate biogas production, but in large enough quantities, the oil is also reported as a barrier
in the formation of biogas. LCFA in the oil content prevails as inhibitors on the growth of
anaerobic bacteria that play a role in the formation of biogas. LCFA can attack the cell walls
of anaerobic bacteria and will inhibit its growth. Inhibited the growth of anaerobic bacteria
will result in the inhibition of the formation of biogas.
This study aims to minimize the inhibition caused by LCFA in the formation of
biogas by adding activated carbon as adsorbent and using the Fed Batch Method. Activated
carbon is the adsorbent and will absorb LCFA contained in the digester so that it will reduce
the levels of LCFA in the digester. Fed batch method is a method of providing feed to the
digester gradually. Provision of waste palm oil in the digester will gradually reduce the
inhibitory effect of LCFA.
The results shows that the production of biogas and methane content of the simulated
waste was generated, LCFA does not significantly inhibit the production of biogas. Oil
content that has begun to impede is the concentration of 3 g / L, and the amount of activated
carbon is added to the digester to increase biogas production is the amount of activated
carbon content of 1% of the digester volume. While the best feeding strategy is feeding every
3 days.
The results showed that the production of biogas and methane content of the simulated waste
was generated, LCFA did not significantly inhibit the production of biogas. Oil content that has begun
to impede the concentration of 3 g / L, and the amount of activated carbon is added to the digester to
increase biogas production is the amount of activated carbon content of 1% of the digester volume.
While the best feeding strategy is feeding every 3 days.