Summary: | This study aims to (1) Find out if the price of broiler meat in East Java
experienced volatile? (2) Find out if the market price of broiler meat in the
province of East Java integration occurs. (3) Knowing the market is dominating
the market price of broiler meat among the areas in East Java, and how the market
equilibrium in the long term or short term. (4) Knowing the factors that influence
the production of broiler chickens (5) Knowing the factors that affect feed
conversion ratio of broiler chickens. (6) Knowing the relationship between the
integration of the market price of broiler chicken meat to the business of broiler
chickens in the province of East Java.
The experiment was conducted in East Java province, covering data
collection of primary data and secondary data. Primary research data is the
respondents 187 people broiler chicken farmers around the district and
surrounding districts Jombang Jember and secondary data research is the monthly
average price of broiler chicken in the period 2000-2009. Analysis metode used
analysis grafis dan discriptif, autoregressive conditional heteroskedaticity model
(ARCH-LM). Johansen cointegration analysis , Grangger causality, Error
Correction Model and Ordinary Least Square (OLS).
The results showed that: (1) Data price movement / fluctuation in the price
of broiler chicken meat from the years 2000-2009 in East Java showed that no
volatile movement. (2) Market price of broiler chicken meat Jombang inter-city,
Surabaya, Malang and Jember in East Java province related to each other or to
provide an integrated inter-regional price data producers and consumers. (3)
Market Broiler chicken meat in the province of East Java is the price of broiler
chickens in the region of Malang and Surabaya consumer better determine the
price of chicken meat (dominant) to the area producer prices in Jombang and
Jember. (4) Price of broiler chicken meat has the interaction between areas in East
Java in both the long and short term. (5) Factors affecting production in the
poultry business in a positive way is the DOC, the feed, the scale of business,
labor, partnership and business location and that affect the poultry business in a
negative way is the use of drugs and vaccines as well as the noise enclosure. (6)
Factors that negatively affect FCR (reduce the number of FCR) is the DOC, the
feed, the scale of business, labor, partnership and business location and that affect
the poultry business in a positive (increase the number FCR) is a long
maintenance , mortality, mixed feed and the noise enclosure. (7) Local livestock
producers of broiler chickens Jombang area (in the western region of East Java)
more decisive than the market price of broiler chicken producers Jember area (in
the eastern region of East Java).