Summary: | This study aims to analyze the chili crop acreage, production, productivity, in North
Sulawesi and Gorontalo provinces, and to determine the supply and demand and inflation in
Manado City. The research conducted in two province (1) North Sulawesi region that including
North Minahasa district, Tomohon and Manado Cities. (2) Gorontalo province that taking sample
of Gorontalo and Bone Bolango Districts. Rainfall Factors in sample area in North Sulawesi has
not affected the chili crop acreage, while the producer�s prices in Gorontalo province affect the
chili crop acreage. the last period chili Prices, labor wages in North Sulawesi, the chili crop
acreage in North Minahasa and last period chili productivity have affected the chili productivity
in North Minahasa. Prices chili last period, in North Sulawesi farmers pays period, the chili crop
acreage In Tomohon that also increases the chili productivity in Tomohon. Last period chili
Prices, farmers wages and last period chili productivity in Gorontalo have affected the chili
productivity in Gorontalo district. Last period Crop acreage and chili productivity can increase
the fresh chili productivity in Bone Bolango. Fluctuations in consumer�s prices in Manado city
have affected the fresh chili supply in North Sulawesi, while the consumer�s prices fluctuations
have negatively affected toward the fresh chili demand in the consumer market of Manado.