Summary: | This philosophy reasearch entitles �The Concept of Justice According to
Hans Kelsen�s Pure Law Enforcement�. Its is a review on law philosophy aiming
at addressing the questions of philosophy comprehensively and exhaustively abaut
whether justice, as Hans Kelsen�s thought in pure law elaborates the aspects of
pure law prevailed in society related to de definition of law and the concept of
justice viewed from the aspect of its law philosophy. The concept of justice
prevalied in Pure Law recently is not suitable with the society and justice wich the
reality of lau has hurt thought and people�s heart. Besides looking for the
relevance by determining the way as well as finishing the law problems due to the
deviation of the law practices in the society caused by law deterioration or other
ways opposed to moral values and law values which are considered deviating
from the real ideas of law because law has been interfered by political with the
elements of psychology, sociology, ethics, and the relevant theories so that the
purity of law becomes ignored and negated. It then makes the essence of law
blurred and eliminates the limits determined by the existing law regulations.
The research done library research because the formal object and the
materials were obtained from literature, the result of searching, and the
comparative study of the law experts related to primary source discussing, and the
matters of Law Philosophy and the sense of justice in Hans Kelsen�s Positive
Law. Those sources were supported by various literatures of justice and
jurisprudence that had been the standarts in the process of trial that had been
proven in the implementation of trial practices. After that, the concept of Law
Philosophy was explained as conceptual framework philosophically about three
basic components, those were sense of justice, law, and positive law prevailed and
they had been applied so they had correlations and gave aspiration in the law
philosophy-based writing so the results were findings initiated by law
practitioners in the fields as well as the life practices in society, nations, and state.
The result obtains are the findings of Hans Kelsen�s thinking pattern
explanning about the concept of the justice. Besides, the others result are finding
out the purity of law and explaining how the real purposes of the law are. This
research actually tried to answer the definition of justice in das sein and in das
sollen rather than the law itself because the pure theory of law is jurisprudence not
political law and is named as �pure� law because it explains law and tries to clean
the object of discussions from everything which is not related to the law. The
review of this concept is to clean law science from forgein elements as Hans
Kelsen�s thinking basis.