Summary: | An increase in allergic diseases in children following an increase in
caesarean delivery have been reported in various countries. Allergic disease is a
chronic disease may lead to emotional and social restriction. Difference in the
immune system development between spontaneous and caesarian delivery will
shift immune system development to Th2 predominant. This will make babies
with caesarean delivery have higher risk to have allergic disease. This study was
aim to find out relation of caesarean delivery with atopic disease in pediatric
A case control study was performed in Denpasar on December 2011 until
July 2012. In this study, children with atopic disease (case group) was selected
and compared to healthy non atopic children (control group). Fifty babies and
children (3 months to 12 years) that diagnosed with atopic disease were included
and paired (according to sex) with 50 healthy non atopic babies and children. Case
and control were compared in relevant history that connected to atopic disease.
Data was collected using questioner. Skin prick test using common aeroallergens
was performed on all subjects. Bivariat analysis using Chi square or Fisher exact
test continued with multivariat analysis using logistic regression.
Caesarean section significant as risk of atopic disease on bivariat analysis
OR 2,8 (95% CI 1,2