Summary: | Education Paradigm in the Context of Muslim Community Awareness of
Yogyakarta Town. The study was based on the fact that the consciousness of a society
very different from one another. It is based on differences in the capacity and quality
of the region and its people, as it can be understood from the description of the
experts who have the authors explain in this dissertation. Also the proven fact that,
based on its analysis, the authors found a quirk in the Muslim community of
Yogyakarta, which also indicates a kind of consciousness peculiar to them. Besides,
the authors also found that the type of public awareness have simultaneous
relationships with educational paradigm, which has not been explained at all by the
experts. For that problem extremely worthy to be the problem this dissertation
Discussion of these problems, the kind of awareness and public education
paradigm Muslim city of Yogyakarta and the simultaneous connection of both, the
authors use this type of qualitative research. Acquisition data for the problem is
related to the philosophy of life and their implementation in the form of their way of
thinking and behaving, as reflected in the political field (perpetrators and
sympathizers of the party