Summary: | Background: Basic Health Research 2007 indicated that in Indonesia the proportion of visual aculty decline at the age of below 6 years was 4,8% and 0,9% faced blindness. At the Province of Lampung the proportion was 3,7% for visual aculty and 1% for blindness (ministry of health, 2007). At District of Tanggamus the program of sence of sight in the school children has not been properly managed thus the prevalence of refraction disorder (myopia) is unknown. This happens due to some constrains (staff, facility, and budget), thus cannot be estimated the quantity and causes of refraction disorder in school children.
Objective: To identify association between genetic and environmental factor and the incidence of myopia in elementary school children at district Tanggamus.
Method: The study was observational. It used case control design at comparation of 1:1 involving 240 respondents of elementary school children (120 case and 120 controls). Data were obtained from refraction examination, data of genetic from interview using questionnaire, observation and measurement. Data analysis used chi square, Odd Ratio (OR) and logitic regression.
Result: The result of bivariate analysis on variable of reading distance and the incidence of myipia had score of OR 4.846 (CI 95% :2.807-8.368) and p<0.05: genetic OR 3.831 (CI 95%:1.783-8.239) and p<0.05