Summary: | Etiology of schizophrenia interrelated to interaction developmental factors
including individual, family, socio-economic, and culture. Personality types and
parenting styles perception interrelated one another and affect schizophrenia
event. Objectivity of this study to analyze personality types and parenting styles
perception affect schizophrenia event compare with another developmental factors
are like genetic, age, gender, education, occupation, marital-status, religiosity,
physical stressors including infections disease and head injury, life styles
including smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse, monthly income, and ethnic group.
The expectation of this study can useful for community and healthy professional
especially psychiatrists, patient, and caregiver for treatment.
The type of this study is observational with case control analytic design.
The subject is schizophrenia and non-schizophrenia on out-patient with caregiver
in Psychiatry polyclinic of Dr. Sardjito Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta by quota
sampling. Extrovert and introvert personality is value by Extrovert-Introvert
Personality Types Questioner. Traits of schizoid-schizotypal personality is value
by Premorbid Schizoid-Schizotypal Traits (PSST). Parenting styles perception is
value by Children Perception to Parenting Styles. Hypothesis tests use chi-square
and multiple regression.
The result of this study is find personality type only gives significant affect
schizophrenia event (p < 0,05