Resumo: | Multimedia is a combination of at least two media input and output. Media may include audio (voice, music), animation, video, text, graphics and images. The merger of the two text and multimedia elements that can form a twodimensional image of multimedia applications. Picture elements to be displayed in a vector-based multimedia applications. The image to be shown is a picture of the
human body along with the acupuncture points based on the type of disease Vertigo, oblique mouth, headache, stomach pain, and diabetes millitus. While the text serves to provide information about the disease and other information necessary to provide information to the user's multimedia applications.Multimedia
technologies can support the learning process of acupuncture.
Multimedia technology can display images or animations that attract the attention of people who are interested in the field of acupuncture treatment in general and in particular for the introduction of acupuncture points based on the type of illness.Acupuncture is a treatment technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. The needles are very sharp used to stimulate specific points on the
body. These points are located on energy pathways called meridians.
Acupuncture treatment designed to improve the flow and balance of energy along these meridians. Acupuncture treatment or treatment with acupuncture is an alternative treatment in addition to a general practitioner with a chemical or herbal medicine. Medical acupuncture is increasingly recognized and the public interest, especially those who understand the dangers of chemicals in medical drugs