Summary: | This study titled �Division of Inheritance Property with oral testament in traditional
Society of China in Buliang Village, Batu Aji Sub-district, Batam City� aimed to find and
examine implementation of inheritance property division occurring in the traditional society of
China, in Buliang Village, Batu Aji Sub-district, Batam City, to understand and analyze position
and function of witnesses in implementing the inheritance property division with oral testament
in the traditional society.
This study is empirical law, using an approach to problem solution of respondents and
resource person by considering valid law norms associated with existing phenomena from
problems found in this study. This study was conducted in Buliang Village, Batu Aji Subdistrict,
Batam City. Sources of data were primary data with interview method and secondary
data with library research. The technique of collected data was done by probability sampling
and sample types by simple random sampling with ordinal method. The collected data were
analyzed qualitatively, then presented descriptively by illustrating and describing according to
problems associated with results of research.
In the traditional society of China, in Buliang Village, Batu Aji Sub-district, Batam
City, the inheritance property division was not only implemented after the inheritors died, but
also it was implemented when the inheritors still lived. In general, position of witnesses in the
oral inheritance property division was for evidence tool and legality of the oral inheritance
property division implementation. On the other side, there were inheritors who entrusted
inheritance properties to witnesses in implementing the inheritance properties division given to
heirs who could not attend when the inheritances property divided.