Summary: | Transformation of the company is a must for Bank Mandiri who wants to
continue to exist and win the competition. The cause is that the banking business
has high dynamics. Therefore the banking business world is not static, then the
Bank Mandiri to be good at addressing the changes in the business world of
banking. Entering the year 2005, the bank re-exposed to a variety of complex
issues, such as high non-performing loans reached 25.2% or Rp 26.9 trillion,
which causes a decrease in profit of Rp 5, 26 trillion in 2004 to Rp 0.6 trillion.
The high level of NPLs, the resulting entry in the status of Bank Mandiri Bank in
the Intensive Supervision of Bank Indonesia, thus limiting the space for Bank
Mandiri in developing its business and reduce stakeholder confidence to Bank
Mandiri. Looking at these developments, then in mid-2005 stakeholders took
measures to change the composition of the management of Bank Mandiri to
immediately take the necessary steps to restore the performance of Bank Mandiri
as before but it is also fundamentally transforming the process of change in all
aspects of the organization that Bank Mandiri can get out of the problems faced.
SBU Corporate Banking as one business unit which operates in the
corporate segment of customers are large companies of national and international
scale are expected to have performance as expected from this transformation
process. To find out the performance as expected it is necessary to evaluate the
performance of the Financial Directorate of Corporate Banking during and after
the process of transformation of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Inc. through an
analysis that compares the performance between the realization of the targets and
the use of financial ratios of the composition of assets and liabilities, the
composition productivity / efficiency, a component of income.
In this study, should see a financial impact during and after the
transformation of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk financial performance of the
Directorate of Corporate Banking 2006-201. Later studies also analyzed using
SWOT Analysis to identification factors the company's internal strengths and
weaknesses with external conditions (environment) which describes the suitability
or the best balance to determine next steps.