Summary: | The objective of the present research was to investigate the prophylactic
effectiveness of preloading 20 ml/kg Ringer�s lactate given 30 minutes prior to
subarachnoid block, with infusion of 3 mg/minutes ephedrine administered 2 minutes
prior to subarachnoid block and 1 mg/minutes of which at 18 minutes afterwards, to
reduce the incidence of hypotension among patients undergoing caesarean section. The
research design was double blind randomized controlled clinical trial. Altogether 92
female patients (ranging age from, BMI< 35 kg/m2, and ASA I & II physical status)
ranging age from 20 to 45 years were enrolled in the study.
The scope of this research were full-term pregnant women who underwent
elective caesarean section with subarachnoid block anesthesia in Banyumas District
Hospital operating room. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, 46 patients of each group.
Group A was preloaded by 20ml/kg Ringer�s lactate with infusion of 100 ml 0,9%
NaCl+100 mg ephedrine, while group B was preloaded by 20ml/kg Ringer�s lactate and
infusion of 100 ml 0,9 NaCl+2 ml 0,9% NaCl.
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, MAP, and SpO2 of all subjects were
measured after preloaded by Ringer�s lactate, after ephedrine infusion prior to
subarachnoid block, and every 2 minutes until the 20th minute after the subarachnoid
block was performed subsequently. Both complication and action rescue were recorded
and reported.
Using independent samples t � test, we analyzed the quantitative data, while the
qualitative data was analyzed by Chi � square at 95% significance level. P < 0,05 and p <
0,001 was considered to be significant and very significant, respectively.
The incidence of hypotension was measured by calculating the decline in systolic
blood pressure from the baseline. In group A (ephedrine), hypotension was occurred in 7
patients (15,2%), it means incidence of hypotension reduced by 84,8%, while in group B
(control) hypotension was occurred in 26 patients (56,5%) or incidence of hypotension
reduced by 43,5%. The results suggest that there was significant difference between two
groups p < 0,05 (p = 0,001).
In conclusion, prophylactic effectiveness of preloading 20 ml/kg Ringer�s lactate
given within 30 minutes prior to subarachnoid block, with infusion of 3 mg/minutes
ephedrine administered 2 minutes prior to subarachnoid block and 1 mg/minutes of which
at 18 minutes afterwards