Summary: | Forest and land rehabilitation is intended to restore, maintain, and improve
forest and land function. The end goal of this program is sustainability of forestland
capacity and productivity as supporting life system. The evaluation of this
program is necessary to determine the success of land and forest rehabilitation,
reduce the risk of failure and increase the success possibility of land and forest
rehabilitation. This research was implemented to set up the criteria and indicator
and use it to evaluate forest and land rehabilitation in Butuh Kidul Village,
Kalikajar SubDistrict, Wonosobo District, Central Java.
Multicriteria analysis with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used
to evaluate RHL. Evaluation process was started from the set up of criteria and
indicator followed by weightening criteria and indicators by experts, people, and
other stakeholders. The next step was scoring for each indicator, and calculating
total score of RHL success rate.
The result showed that there were four criteria to evaluate the success of
Forest and Land Rehabilitation. Those were prerequisite criteria, production
criteria, ecology criteria, and socio-economic criteria. From experts judgement
comparation, the weight for each criteria was : 0,05